The painting should work on you. If the small you is working on the painting there is some unnecessary effort to do something or to get somewhere. This will leave a mark upon your mind and propagate many negative notions about your activity. Such as: this has to be a great painting for the show. Or: wait until they see this one! Or: why won’t this work?
True painting should cut through you until nothing is there except this magnificent activity.
The quality of your involvement is the painting itself. Here you will be satisfied with your effort and your mind will be free of effort after you finish. The real you is genius. To trust this real you is right action. Right action is right rest!
Beautifully put. All thoughts or ideas while creating seems to block the flow of the activity itself. When the mind interferes, it seems to put a temporary dam in the river of infinite creativity.
Only when I have lost all ideas, not only about the world, but also of myself, do I become completely immersed in creativity as to "lose myself" in it. I love music as to become the music. There is joy because the noisy/analyzing/judging mind has disappeared and has become very quiet. Then, the creative activity is spontaneous.
much Love
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