It has no point of origin, no destination, no limitation of depth or width!
This enormous quality of one’s life cannot be contained by form, but is always on the
verge of forming that which has never been and will never be again.
This river is the core energy that sustains all life. It does not judge or evaluate, it does not accumulate experience, and therefore it dissolves all problems that time and space create.
Our thinking minds describe life as it if were a tray of ice cubes. Our vast mind flows with limitless power and beauty. This is intelligence, this is love, this is true self knowing.
Mr. Zar , i love this. how do you keep yourself inspired? i'm only 23 but i feel like i'm all drained out.nothing new is coming out of me these days.
Although i discovered you through your son's work, I enjoy yours equally. I didn't realize you kept a blog and just found it on your web page. I also keep a blog on blogspot, nolanmoehle.blogspot.com , and i've just added you to my favorite blogs. Thanks for the inspiration.
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