Saturday, January 5, 2008

January 5 2oo8.

January 5 2008.

After sever rains and wind the morning is calm and the sky is a soft pearl grey. Out of my studio window I can see the harbor and the breakwater where large ships lay anchored and patient. White gulls flicker in and out of view between the dark green wall of trees far off, that fence the town from the vast open sea. Meditation is the last flickering of thoughts in and out of the mind with its sensations and sentiments, pulsing and gathering similar feelings in their gravitational pull. The vast sea is like the quiet mind of meditation, limitless, mysterious and seemingly eternal. Pure Identity flashes across the enormority of the Vast Mind. Enormity of no-thing ness is the essence of meditation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful and makes me miss my home island of Puerto Rico which I haven't been in 2 years now. The enternal entity's manifestations are vast and full of brilliant wonder.
